Monday, 22 March 2010

Police unable to attend - a story I hear all too often.

This story from The News highlights a major issue for most people, not just in Gosport. Although in Gosport we do seem to have more than our fair share.

Ghost-hunting museum trip reveals night thefts

The level of police cover in Gosport is just not sufficient, add to that the fact that the police cells have been closed during the week in Gosport Police Station meaning that any arrest at this time also incurs a trip to Fareham and it all adds up to criminals getting away.

Most people I speak to have a story about a similar incident, police attending sometimes days after a crime has been reported, meaning that not only have the criminals got away but any evidence left behind is contaminated.

Minor offences are often not even investigated, even when it quite clear who the perpetrators are. The amount of paper work required to process them means that it is not worth the time spent.

Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming the police for this, it is not the police that is at fault, it is the government, the police are doing a good job under the circumstances, but they are being stretched to the limits by a government obsessed with data gathering, paperwork, and bureaucracy.

The Liberal Democrats have a policy of clearly defined measures that will allow us to put more police on the street.

The Liberal democrats are leading the way on the issues!

Why not let them lead the country?

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